"Alone we can do so little,
together we can do so much."
- Helen Keller
Family Bingo Night
Book Fair
Breakfast with Santa
Butterfly Garden
Community Outreach
Cultural Arts
Bag Bingo
Fourth of July
Holiday Gift Shop
Ice Cream Social
Learning for Fun
The Learning Letter
Lunch Program
Restaurant Spirit Nights
Spirit Sales
Staff Appreciation
Weekly Notes
To help enrich our children’s school experience, we research and schedule interesting and educational speakers/programs that are put on for the students throughout the year.
A fun night that gets us all out during the dead of winter!
Each year in the spring the book fair comes to our school so students and families have the opportunity to purchase good books for their home libraries and in turn we earn book credits for the school library and classrooms. We rely on parent volunteers to help students shop and to manage the register.
A town wide event for families to come and have a pancake breakfast while visiting with Santa, taking a photo, listening to the school choir, and enjoying some winter crafts. All hands on deck for this event!
Working to keep Wenonah Elementary School’s award-winning butterfly garden in tip top shape, these volunteers bring our school a little springtime all year round. If you love to garden, we need you!
This committee organizes a variety of programs that aid those in need. Look for more information regarding programs such as Soda Tabs for Ronald McDonald House, Holiday Gift Drives and Food Drives.
Throughout the year, H&S subsidizes and even covers costs for our kids so Wenonah Elementary families can attend cultural arts programs and events throughout the region. We’ve been to ballets, planetariums, concerts, and more. Come out and join us!
A must-have for all Wenonah School families! We gather and publish information about our children by class so when you need to contact someone in your school community, the information is right at your fingertips. A team of careful readers review this directory before publication. Are you a good editor? We need your eyes.
One of our largest fundraising events! Fun night out!
To keep the Home and School goals fresh in everyone’s mind during the summer break, we host a t-shirt sale. The t-shirts are designed by Home and School volunteers and H&S handles sales management.
As part service, part fundraiser, parents and people in our community make small gifts for the children to select, purchase, and wrap for their families. Preparation and work for this goes on all through the year and the children enjoy shopping and giving gifts that are a complete surprise! The committee leaders take care in offering hand-made, truly special items and they need you to glue, sew, tie, or just assemble basics. Special talents and skills appreciated, but not needed. Elves are also needed to help the little ones shop for their families.
Thanks to the hospitality committee and volunteers we can enjoy refreshments and goodies at school and Home and School events. We are always looking for bakers.
The school grounds burst with activity as the whole Wenonah community gathers for a spring evening of games, balloons, and lots of homemade cakes, pies, brownies, cupcakes and ice cream! The biggest fundraiser of the year, this event requires all parents to provide goodies and pitch in with scooping ice cream and serving up fun. The team needs volunteers for subcommittees that cover entertainment, baskets, auction, advertising, and more. All hands on deck for the ICS! Positions are food, auction baskets, outdoor coordinator, decorations, community outreach, indoor coordinator and sponsors.
Learning for Fun offers after-school sessions in such curriculum enhancements as art, athletics, computers, cooking, jewelry making, nature walks, poetry, and Spanish. Options are only limited by what parent volunteers are willing to share with the kids, so dust off that hidden interest, talent, or hobby and share your passion! A teaching certificate is not required and this program provides significant funds for our kids.
The Learning Letter is an art and literary treasure with contributors ranging from our kids to teachers, parents, and other community members. Have a good theme, idea, story or poem? Share your ideas at a Home and School meeting.
To give us a nice break from packing those lunches, we offer a program where parents can purchase (in advance) lunches for their children. In addition, parent volunteers get to serve lunches while experiencing the lunchroom scene! Do you have a few minutes mid-day on Mondays and/or Fridays? We could use your help.
Once a month, organize a Spirit Night at a local restaurant to earn money for Home and School.
Boost school spirit with great Wenonah Logo items for sale.
We love to show our teachers how much we appreciate them for their hard work and we do so by coordinating activities like the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon and something special for Teacher Appreciation Week. This is a great way to be involved and stay connected to teachers.
The Weekly Notes are a vital link in Home and School communication to parents. Each week Liz combines input from our school community to create the week’s newsletter, which is then emailed to parents every Friday. Do you have an announcement for our school community? Do you want an email blast sent to our parents? Let Liz know at wenonahnotes@gmail.com by noon on Wednesday's. Sign up to receive our weekly notes here.
As part of the Vice President position, Jaclyn helps orient new families to Wenonah School. Please feel free to call Jaclyn with questions or for information about Home and School activities.
This much anticipated keepsake comes out in the spring and is full of photographs of the children and activities from the school year. The more photos we send the yearbook coordinators, the better the yearbook will be. Contact the yearbook team to be your child’s classroom collage creator.
If you are interested in volunteering for any of these positions please email us. Thank you for your support!